Labrika vs SheerSEO 2025: Save Your Money! Honest Comparison

Hey there, folks! So today we're diving into a video by another creator who takes a thorough look at the LaBrea SEO tool, which might sound like a mouthful, but it's actually pretty interesting for anyone into SEO and marketing like us. They talked about revisiting LaBrea, a tool that's been kicking around for a few years and has quite a buzz on platforms like AppSumo with a solid 4.8-star rating.
The video goes over what LaBrea offers, like its technical SEO audit capabilities, which are its bread and butter. It turns out it's pretty affordable too, with plans starting at $68 allowing you to track 500 keywords monthly. That's a pretty sweet deal if you're looking to keep costs low while still covering a lot of bases, like unlimited websites even with the basic plan!
One of the focuses here was whether LaBrea could stand in as a keyword research tool. While the tool is solid for technical SEO, the vid suggests it's not quite up to the mark for keyword research compared to some other heavy hitters out there.
If you're as driven by software as I am, you know SEO is a big part of online success and good tools can be a game-changer. So, if you want the nitty-gritty details, you should definitely check out the full review by the creator who shared this deep dive!
Now, here are the key takeaways from the video:
- LaBrea offers excellent technical SEO capabilities; great for audits.
- Affordable plans start at $68 with 500 keyword trackings per month.
- Unlimited websites are included even on the basic plan, which is really neat.
- The tool isn't strong in the keyword research department, limiting its effectiveness if you're looking for a complete all-in-one solution.
- It's a reliable choice for technical SEO audits but might not be your best bet for extensive keyword tracking or competitive analysis.
- Despite being around for several years, the improvements in keyword research features are modest.
- Pricing advantage makes it appealing for small agencies or individuals on a budget.
- Consider it for technical audits, but for comprehensive SEO management, others may serve better.
Hope these insights help you navigate the SEO tool market a bit better. I'll see you in the next exploration!
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing LaBrea for its technical SEO audit capabilities, especially if you're on a budget. It's quite affordable with plans starting at $68. This plan includes tracking 500 keywords and offers unlimited websites. It's a great way to keep costs low while ensuring you're keeping up with essential technical SEO audits.
A good way of using LaBrea is for smaller agencies or entrepreneurs who manage multiple websites. This tool's pricing advantage allows you to perform comprehensive technical checks without breaking the bank. You’ll be able to check your site's health, find issues, and rectify them, which helps in improving visibility on search engines.
However, remember that LaBrea might not be the best option for keyword research. If keyword tracking and competitive analysis are critical for you, you might need another tool. You can pair LaBrea with a specialized keyword research tool for a complete SEO management strategy.
For those starting or growing a small business or looking into SEO, focus initially on LaBrea’s strengths in auditing to ensure your website is optimized from a technical standpoint. This makes your site more reliable and attractive to search engines, driving organic traffic.
Keep checking reviews and updates about the tool on platforms like AppSumo to stay informed about any improvements, especially if they enhance its keyword research features. It's essential to stay updated as these tools often evolve based on user feedback.
Quotes by Learnwire
"The big thing is looking at the newest reviews; they've got reviews coming in as literally from yesterday."
– Learnwire
"It's good at technical SEO, so I don't really have to look at that too much."
– Learnwire
"From a technical SEO standpoint, you could use it as a technical SEO audit tool in your agency."
– Learnwire
"They are giving you 500 keyword rankings for 68 bucks."
– Learnwire
"Certainly are still live on AppSumo right now with a 4.8-star rating."
– Learnwire
Full Transcript
we have several of you asking if I can compare sheer SEO to laa I'll probably save the actual comparison for maybe a follow-up video but I want to go back and revisit LaBrea now I completely forgot about LaBrea so we have sip asking for an updated LaBrea opinion or review we've had a lot of interest in labria over the years and then we have someone over here even asking this question that I'll just goad an address that they're also kind of ditching their Google Niche websites and so forth and they canceled their SE SE ranking subscription and so forth so yeah that makes sense so this video is going to be for those that are interested in in LaBrea let's go ahead and take a look at that so we're over here on appsumo and this tool is actually just living on appsumo for the last four years I maybe it didn't go away I think that they actually ended up on some of the other platforms as well not going to name them I don't know if they're active on any of those other lifetime deal platforms or not but they certainly are still live on appsumo right now they have 143 reviews and it's at about a 4.8 star rating so that's definitely nothing to look away at so they have some really good rankings and or ratings and their customers seem to really like the tool I do re remember reviewing this like four years ago probably one of the first tool sets that I reviewed back in 2020 that it was impressive from a technical SEO standpoint you could use it as a technical SEO audit tool in your agency if you're an SEO but I want to dive in and see what's going on four years later and really focus on if this can be a keyword research replacement tool we already know that it's good at technical SEO so I don't really have to look at that too much but what I do want to look at is just anything else that they have okay so we'll come through and just want to look at the plans you have plan one 68 bucks get all the features above and we're going to go and look at all these laa features which is just uh insane they're all listed out you get right off the bat their lowest plan they're going to let you track 500 keyword rankings per month so they're already at the $300 level of sheer SEO with a $60 plan that's already from a pricing standpoint this tool I can right off the bat tell you that it it probably wins because they're giving you 500 keyword rankings for 68 bucks just as nuts unlimited websites I had to pay 300 bucks for eight websites eight eight domains on my sheer SEO plan okay so pricing definitely laa is already winning that battle by a landslide you have a plan two 136 bucks and you can go up to a th000 keyword rankings and 20,000 crawled pages so that's really the the separating factors is how many pages you can crawl don't worry I don't I don't know what the how many pages you can crawl we're going to do maybe do that comparison video video as a follow-up video Plan Three 240 bucks all in, 1500 keyword rankings that's more than Mo most even SEO people would need and 30,000 page views or page crawls per month unlimited websites even on their plan one I'm most impressive I'm going to go ahead and just purchase plan one because it's it's it's already at the same level as what I purchased with Shear SEO but when you click on this all laa features pretty interesting you get a list of all the stuff that they have in their tool it's kind of nuts 2 30 plus features features list and it's very very SEO audit related I think that's kind of the the the Forefront main reason that they built the tool plagiarism Checker all kinds of missing H1 tags and meta descriptions and all that good stuff right and then we come in here to um your SEO or it gets even more technical than that your 404 errors your SSL certificate being used all kinds of stuff CSS Checker JS Checker real technical SEO stuff and then you can come down here you can just keep seeing and then you have your competitor analysis stuff over here and then you have your print versions your uh document your Excel file and then you have sit map stuff and then we come through here it just keeps going guys it just keeps going and going the stuff that I'm actually most interested in to be honest is maybe the link analysis over here the tools keyword research suggestion tool and just this kind of stuff over here so the tools feature is what I really want to spend spend probably most of my time with we already know it's really good at this kind of stuff I'll try to do kind of a brief comparison when I make that video as well guys okay so let me go and purchase this software before we do that let's just scroll through here I wish they would update this side section over here especially for tools that they're still allowing to live in their library on appsumo they need to go back to these old tools that have been on the platform for years they've obviously been around when they're still around so this is already going to be right there with sheer SEO as far as like age and Longevity this one is so far standing the test of time with lifetime deal tools I don't think you can probably go wrong with the tool cuz it's been open for four or five years now but I wish that they would fill this out any reviews that they have on all the other sites and kind of beef up their their profile right over here right but and they do answer a lot of questions right there so which is good there's that 4.8 star rating out of 14 reviews but the big thing is is looking at the newest reviews they've got reviews coming in as as literally from I'm making this video on January 3rd this one is from yesterday January 2nd five star review five star review from December so we just weeks ago unsatisfied kind of customer there then we come over here just five stars and these are all within the last like eight weeks getting five star so they're still selling their software they're still getting good five star reviews let me go make the purchase and I'll be right back and we'll look at the dashboard okay so we are logged in now it's going to take you through a series of steps to get started adding a site and launching a new project what we need to do there I'm just going to go push the next right here creating a plan so now they're going to try to tell you how to create a plan invite the team how to work with the general summary report so you can kind of go through their kind of tutorials right away they pop this out to you or you can just click this handy x button and get out of that so we have create a project right over here um just kind of looking over here I do like that they it looks like they kind of improved their menu over here which seemed like it was kind of getting out of hand as far as just way too many options and clutter this if I can remember even from those screenshots but I like that we can now see your keyword rankings over here your SEO stuff and then your keywords right here as literally keywords is one of the main things that you can do and so they've broken it down into four parent categories which is pretty cool so we have our create project button so let's go just do what they say create a project let's go put in our domain we'll put in learn wire since it has some rankings number of pages to scan a thousand's fine and we can add keywords from a list and let's say I don't have my keywords right I'm moving from another tool so then maybe we can get keyword suggestions maybe it's going to do a some type of search to figure out what we are possibly ranking for already okay so it's just going to find some keywords that have to do with the website but definitely not stuff that I'm actually going for so I'm actually going to cancel out of that and I'm going to go grab my keywords and and paste them in all right so I've got my handy keywords right over here I'm going to copy from uh chat gbt come back in here and add keywords and paste those keywords in and add the keywords there so we have 37 keywords will be added one duplicate we're found cool confirm and we keep coming down search engines add search engines so do we actually have to add Google okay so we have Google there I guess you could put your country in I'm going to just leave it search depth top 50 okay so this is where you can control definitely I want to turn that to top 100 and we will add looks like it does want the uh city or state so all right let's go ahead add United States we'll go with New York City and okay so takes a second to to get that um all set up but we should be good to go with create a project now it's creating our first project for us they are going to put in here flexible credit packages for easy your use no thank you start report full site analysis only search rankings uh only technical um audits let's go with the full sight analysis next and it's going to also look at our queries and then current credits left on the Tariff for the amount of pages and then we're going to push start and I'll pause the video and we'll come back and just looking at this like the way that they're going to be pulling your credits and your usage they're recommending that you just check your keywords twice per month most keyword tracking tools check every 24 hours that's certainly what like Sur robot does and I believe that's what um your SEO is doing as well so I would say recommend at a minimum every seven days so every week I think waiting two weeks to check your rankings is probably a little too much so maybe checking four times a month so we will have to be mindful of just like the credit system we'll come back over and just kind of look at this so you have uh 10,000 page craws that could mean a whole bunch like that might be one of their credit systems that they're using to measure and kind of meter what you're doing on the tool and then the keyword rankings that also every time you get one checked that might cost a keyword ranking and so that's why they're saying they're they're giving you this one check per month so it's a little misleading the way that I'm understanding this is that for every time you check a keyword it's going to basically take one of these credits away so you have to really kind of look at that like 1,500 you're not going to be able to check on a daily basis the keyword rankings and so that is going to make it a little bit different from the other tools even sheer SEO and so forth I don't think that they're allowing us to check this daily I will try to confirm that but that's the kind of the way that I'm checking it especially getting kind of warnings like what they're kind of giving us like they recommend us only checking one or two times per month so it does say that you can leave this report right here it's going to be taking some time so let's go start making our way through the tool right now we're in the the SEO section we have our site settings over here we can go and change out our domain names you cannot edit the site uh while a report until the report's finished we have keywords over here we can add more keywords uh search engine so this is where you can kind of set everything up set up a report over here as well maybe you can get a report emailed to you and so forth so that's pretty cool now let's go and I guess just push the red x button go back out of here optimization and keyword grouping there's going to be a ton to go through on this so I don't really know do I want to make a 45 minute video on this let's go content optimization we do we need this report to go away so maybe we can go to a different section and come back to that so we'll go into keyword um positions nope not letting us look at any of that right now as well let's go to keywords over here all right so let's just spend some time in the keyword um research section so we have four websites keyword suggestion tool we have longtail we have Broad and new content ideas and then my favorite keywords so some type of list that you can save I will I will say that the the U of the software is a little bit more modern than sheer SEO we can come pop over to Shear SEO I don't know the shear SEO looks pretty good to me too as well I'm I like the kind of bright blue um type colors the traditional type colors but I would maybe give the I mean some of these buttons and Fields and stuff seem and that's been some complaints from other people is a little bit outdated the way that the like the data right here maybe maybe have changed some of these like keyword difficulty if it's over 30 maybe change this to Green have some kind of fun exciting things pop out at you that's just from a from a UI ux standpoint that's what I would do probably if I was building a keyword research tool but coming back in here and just looking at some of the colors I I I like what they're doing over here with laa as well it's not like a major difference if you will but I would just give the slight Edge to UI development to LaBrea let's go for this and enter a website U L to find suggestions so let's go put in our keyword or keto and see what it's going to do for us so 100 let's go with 500 and search so enter our website URL to find suggestions so it should be able to find keywords for us is what I'm taking on this close out this right here but if you want some onboarding tips they have this little he going to go out there and find 500 keywords for us so does that mean that it can only find 500 keywords for us and if that's the case then Sher SEO will win with when it comes to keyword research right and one thing it's researching 500 keywords for our website but Sher SEO from a keyword research standpoint is much much faster now it's just finding like almond flow it's finding keywords on our web pages and telling us that maybe those are keywords that we should rank for U like this one keto kids comprehensive guide to low carb nutrition for children balanced meal like you're not going to rank for balanced meal for a Blog article about children's nutrition and and keto and so forth so not really sure what this tool is doing for us it's going and finding our author page right here and saying that we're going to rank for author David right so kind of interesting not real sure you can add it to a favorite you can deselect download copy um but I'm overall this tool just is not useful um and and I wouldn't be excited about using this particular tool let's go to the long tail enter a keyword phrase to find suggestions let's why not use keto diet as an example since that's what I've already used and it looks like I can already tell you right now for keyword research Shear SEO is going to be the clear winner because they produce 10,000 keywords at a time for you and the max amount that U this tool seems to be able to do for us is 500 keywords for us so if you're planning on looking at labria for a keyword re keyword research replacement tool or if you want me to compare it to a Shear I can tell you right now if you made it this far into the video I can tell you right now that Shear SEO is going to be the clear clear winner for keyword research because you can only get 500 keywords at a Max right over here so we do have keto diet these would be some good keywords but I'm not seeing any like keyword difficulty so up to what more keywords available so how do we get these then how do we get the 20,000 keywords available how do we get those recent searches they're not telling us how we can get those other keywords and so from a just from a usability or ux standpoint this doesn't make any sense right like I mean I can select I can't I should be able to select all select filtered deselect filtered it's just this is just not as easy to use as I would want to see let's look at 100 keywords for now but I'm not seeing how I can even look like when I click this select filtered but I'm not filtering anything right I shouldn't have to click on all these copies selected I want to I want to select all so where is a filter I'm not seeing a filter over here either and then this right here is really playing with me right now because there's nothing up here that's telling me how to get to access to these other 20,000 keywords unless I'm just completely missing something you can add the keywords to a project there here's a download button and let's see what ends up happening keto diet open that up all right I'm going to hover over here so we get 500 keywords here's the keywords but guess what guys I mean there's no data there's no search volume there's no keyword difficulty there's no cost per click there's no information and so that and it's also not displayed in the tool over here so as a keyword research tool for a for an SEO tool to be around for four years for them to not even develop this side of the tool I'm uh completely let down by that and definitely not something something that I would I would I just can't see using this tool at all for Relevant keyword research so I'm completely un underwhelmed if you will with the keyword research section of the tool try this keto diet over here and again you can only choose 100 or 500 let's search for 500 and it's been sitting here for a while and nothing's happening so that part is also kind of a little a little frustrating okay so we finally got some keywords to show and so it's saying up to 10 101,000 keywords available how do we get to these it's not telling us how we can get access to these keywords it makes no sense whatsoever to me but it doesn't really matter because search or filter results you have to add that okay so contains keto diet and we're looking at keywords that contain keto diets uh that's kind of how you use their filter the filter system is definitely not what you're used to using other research tools and again they're playing with you right over here with this number right over here we have no access to be able to access that you if you click on this right here it does not allow you to there you go you have to actually select on that and you can select all right here but we're only looking at 500 keywords right here and then again we do not have any information about and I don't see how any button to analyze or anything like that so I could butcher this more but I'm not going to the keyword research function is a very subpar on this tool new content ideas let's go and keto diet just sticking with the same example you can choose between looks like five is what you get so search and maybe it will create five new ideas for us for keto diet what is the hype about the keto diet um you have an article you can go do some research it does give you a kind of an outline and then it gives you keywords this is probably the most useful thing that we could I just I I hate that add this thing up here that we have no access to right we have no choice we can't choose to get access into all this content that they're hiding from us there's no way to get to it from what I'm seeing but I do see value in like that they that it found all this work right here it gave us like an article outline we could go and plug this into a another AI tool to write the information this is decently useful the new content ideas area and your your favorite keywords you can add it to a list right there so that's your keyword section over here it's it's it's pretty bad to be completely honest with you guys let's go back over to the SEO I guess we'll we'll hit on tasks so to view project information first select a project in the list and where's that at project okay so we have we're going to go with project here and then it just takes us back over to the SEO area so I'm not really sure what tasks okay so we're going to go click back on tasks and you can create a board and this is where you could go and probably maybe select a project template right here templates not added yet okay generate a board based on website analysis okay let's just do that and we'll type in learn wire and push create for it to be a a board and then it's going to automatically create all these things that we need to do so we have view your s's top 10 competitors you can come in here and go to the report and it'll tell you what the complexity is and it's telling you if this is pining or not so if you've have someone on your team that has done this let's just go and click on this right here or view the report right here it's going to open up and we have we're doing some type of competitor analysis right here so we have this let say KW hero is there a plus button what does that do for us and it's going to Mark our competitors we don't we just have keywords here though we don't actually have the list of competitors anywhere and this is supposed to be analyzing out competitors so the way that this has a plus and a minus if it's not there is this is a lot to look at it's it's I don't know what do you guys think the the layout of this the usability of this I just uh I'm not really liking it too too much okay maybe if you're a technical SEO and you can figure this stuff out what they're trying to do right here cool this might be very useful but to me this just is confusing to look at we can go into links internal links and you can look at internal links on your website how many times they've been used uh landing pages with too few inbound links you can click on that and look at what any of your pages and have uh no inbound links external links 119 what pages have external links you can actually click on one of these right here and it'll tell you where on your site you have that particular Link at let's go back to the site summary report guys and just see what it does for us okay so setup report schedule you can actually schedule an analysis and a rank tracker frequency keywords in top 10 we have 5% right here top organic competitors the op appsumo redit trust pilot Capa LinkedIn product hunt so G2 so that does make sense that those are our competitors show critical errors 32 we could go and look at these right now let's click on that that's just like a description of this if we wanted to get to the 32 we'll have to do something else critical errors crawler stats number of pages crawled by our crawler 214 Pages crawled and how much do we get on our plan we get 10,000 pages so we' we'd be we'd be totally fine with probably five websites on the first plan security hosting information it gives you all kinds of information server errors resource site map so all the everything in red obviously is something that you would want to pay attention to how do we get to this stuff though right like that's that's where I want to kind of see so where are we at right over here essential landing page elements it kind of analyzes the landing page competitors and features site rankings right over here we have keywords in the top five none keywords in the top 10 to top 20 separates that all out okay site rankings we kind of already did this I believe looking at your keywords this right over here so we have SEO review it is telling us where we are currently ranked with those keywords but there really isn't any other information going on and when we come over here to share and go into our rankings current I can just tell you right now o let me change the website over to over and wire look at all this information we get we get with the date the difference last time it was ran let's go see if I can re this now so I'm going to push this poll Now button I think that that maybe that's what it um is no I'm going to select all the keywords action maybe and then nope so these must be coming up for I mean at today they'll be checked again so I believe these get checked once a day but if you want to actually pull it now it's going to you have to you actually get charged for that and this is where they probably and and I think that I agree with this if you want more frequency than 24 hours then you have to pay for it I'm I'm okay with that this is where the polling frequency so actually it's weekly guys right here so we can choose what day we want it sends an email and so this is going to be uh a one one time per week and if we wanted to change the polling frequency we would have to make purchase that okay so this is once per week it's still better than LaBrea I believe and then all the information it's giving us the P the URL that's ranking the volume the or it doesn't give us the volume it gives us the ranking right there it does give us a latest progress and it does give us the the volume so we come back over here to lria and it it doesn't give us any information other than where it's ranking which that's I mean it's it's doing its job but it's certainly not giving us any more information than that so I would almost give the edge to Shear because they check 200 they check 20 Pages deep 200 levels to see where you're ranking and laa is checking starting off trying to check only 50 and you have to actually change it to 100 so overall I think Shar actually wins on that too I don't think I'm actually going to do a comparison video hopefully you made it this far in the video but just from what I can see and the way that I use tools especially for Niche site keyword research and keyword ranking and competitor analysis and so forth I think shar's going to win and I can almost just make that call for you right now let's go through but for site techn technical Audits and stuff I think you could do a lot in here I I really don't want to unpack all this what you could do inside of LaBrea it's still heavy on the SEO audit you come in here and I I'm trying to see where the critical errors are like how do I get to the critical errors okay so they're actually separated out in here so if you come through here and you look at like MAA tag we have 146 right over here so if I click on that it's going to give us all the 146 pages on the site or categories that don't have a meta description sheer SEO also identified that for us as well without unpacking more of this this is still a heavy onpage technical SEO tool it's not a keyword research tool now there was a section over here that I wanted to see if I could try to get to I didn't wasn't able to pull off that screen right there where that was at and then there was also and you can tell that they've they've definitely changed the the the UI has changed and they've remodel remodeled it a little bit but right over here I'm not seeing this part where we can actually open up a page and analyze text and do all this kind of stuff I'm not seeing that option but there probably is a button over here somewhere but but I find myself almost starting to get lost in here and you guys will remember in my review from this tool when we open up each one of these parent categories and I started saying hey it's there there's a lot of options you could almost start losing yourself in here well this brings a whole another level to that probably times five and you just start getting overwhelmed there's just a ton that you can do over here technical site audits let's see if I can find there's a website availability test it's going to run all this these scores and so forth so I do think that they've got some good stuff in here for technical SEO you can't go wrong with this tool and I'm I'm not going to even go as far to say that Shear is better with technical SEO I will still give LaBrea the benefit of a doubt from a technical SEO standpoint because they after all the technical SEO that you can do over here you can actually go to a print version site summary report you can actually write your company name put your logo in contact right over here and you can actually let's just do this real quick all right so we've added our logo we've added our name we've added our actual name contact name we've added a little slug there show craw report why not show keyword grouping I don't know if we have that or not let's go ahead and just put that on their Max rows per table you can actually make customize that let's just go with 10 keyword ranking report cool let's show that date range and Max Rose create the report so you can actually do the something like this this is probably one of the most impressive Parts about laa but just kind of getting to the nitty-gritty of this you wouldn't be able to in my opinion do everything you need to do for SEO inside of this tool you may be able to do the technical SEO and the rank tracking in this tool but you're not going to be able to go and do full research all right so this is the report that it pulled there's a ton of files in here here's a PDF right here let's go ahead and open that up this is what the audit report would look like to the client that you're sending it to here's your top um your top competitors technical SEO so this would be great to go and and do an audit on someone's site if you're trying to get a client to you could send this to them and and show them like all these things that are messed up about their website and it would explain to them if they're interested in what you know what the what all the stuff means site doesn't look so bad everything's almost in green not too bad but no one's really going to look at all this information you're going to have to be careful of what you actually want to to to share here's some errors right there on the site and just keep going so the report is just massive you probably don't want to select all this it's just too much right you would never send this off to someone no owner of a company owner of a restaurant or something like that is going to go and look at all this stuff you just want to show them what keywords they're ranking for this keyword report right there and so forth so you're going to need to figure out exactly what you want to share with them let's go to tools okay so this was laa guys the people that are giving it this five star rating is probably people that are specifically looking for a a tool that can audit websites and do all all kinds of technical SEO stuff I'll give them the benefit of a doubt that it's really good at technical SEO and the reporting and all that kind of stuff but but if you get a client you could you you would use this tool for all the technical SEO and and possibly for the the keyword rankings is fine we would need to look at how much control we have over that under the rankings if this is the ranking set up a reporting schedule update keyword rankings for this group update site rankings so how often can we current credits left on tariff so we only have 500 left we've already used 37 and that's going to re redo and it's exactly what I was thinking you only get 500 checks per month so it's actually per month is really what they're allotting you so when it comes to that it's less it's even less impressive than it seems on the pricing page and like I said you wouldn't be able to do your keyword research and man and do um all that kind of stuff the competitor analysis um I didn't really see a a page where you can actually analyze all the URLs and all stuff that you can do and SE ranking and ah refs and so forth so is this a replacement for these tools no share SEO is not really a on toone replacement either but if you guys are just trying to get if you guys want a hardcore onpage technical SEO tool then you can use LaBrea but it won't solve your keyword research or I and now now I can truly see it's not even going to solve your keyword rankings issues you would need to go with tier three and you still would not be able to scale a agency level even at 1,500 keywords per month because you would only get to check them one time per month if that makes sense okay so I think share for the most part wins on almost every account for my use case for my use case sheer SEO is more like a traditional it gives me 10,000 keywords I can easily do keyword research I can look at backlinks very easily it's more of a replacement tool for like uber suggest and doing keyword research for a website I love the keyword Gap feature over here one of my favorites inside of Shear as well so my opinion overall I'm not going to even do the verses I don't think because unless you guys made it this far in the video and you still want me to do kind of a versus opinion then I can do that but this one obviously I'm going to give the win to sheer SEO in almost every category I I'll give labria for technical SEO auditing I'll give them the edge they went on that front but LaBrea for me boost your websites SEO with Aid driven insights and actionable recommendations they do Market I mean they're marketing as an Allin one tool but we you you just saw the keyword research even after four years it's it's awful it's actually awful and I'm a keyword research guy and so it's just not going to win in my book and so I can't give it a higher score than Shear for that for for for that point it just loses in so many categories so I would actually have to give laa like a 3.3 to be completely honest with you because I'm coming at this with years and years of experience of keyword research and building Niche websites and so forth and I couldn't use laa to to get the job done for that okay so hopefully that makes sense if I was going to grade both of them lria 3.3 and Shear was a 4.0 I'm happy with my purchase on share and I'm glad that I you guys motivated to take another look at LaBrea I will be going and getting a refund because this is just not a tool that I can see myself using so I'll probably be going and getting a refund for that purchase that I made to do this review what do you guys think below leave the comments these are just really long unpacking videos sorry about it guys that I just it's almost impossible I can't make 10-minute videos but hopefully this brought value to you guys so you guys don't have to go and spend your money on WEA all right guys thank you I'll see you in the next video