AI Website Builder That Makes Wix Look Ancient? Stunningso LTD Review

AI Website Builder That Makes Wix Look Ancient Stunningso LTD Review


Let's dive into this video by another creator, focused on "Stunning," an AI-powered website builder. This one's for folks who are all about creating websites without diving into the nitty-gritty of coding. It's also for anyone running or curious about starting an online agency. If you're considering investing in software that can help you swiftly whip up professional websites, this video brings valuable insights.

The creator discusses the different pricing tiers for Stunning, which start at $49 (and importantly, note that prices will increase by at least $10 after six days). They're upfront about why they don't recommend the first tier, mostly due to limitations like only being able to create two websites and have 50 contacts. If you're looking to handle more clients or expand your business, the recommendation leans towards at least going for Tier 2 at $159, or ideally, the $799 all-inclusive tier, which offers unlimited websites, contacts, and more.

And hey, it's not all rainbows. Some users have pointed out that Stunning's AI website creation sometimes lacks deeper customization options. However, if a 60-day money-back guarantee appeals to you, it might be worth the shot. They also highlight the time it takes for the AI to generate a site – a bit longer than some might like, clocking in at around seven minutes, but that's potentially because it's working on delivering higher quality output.

The creator showcases how you can easily start building a site by filling in basic business info and choosing preferences like colors and fonts. They also explore the AI marketing feature that helps generate ad copies, which could be a nifty tool for quick marketing tasks.

Here's a chunk about handling content: although the AI-written articles aren't top-notch, they can serve as a base to work from, especially when the tool can spit out over a thousand words in no time. But remember, you'll probably want to refine it for the personal touch.

While Stunning offers some exciting capabilities, the video points out enhancements are needed—like making integration seamless with other AI tools, or perhaps speeding up how fast these pages load, especially since nobody likes waiting forever for a client website to show up.

To all you software and marketing enthusiasts, it’s clear Stunning packs a punch with potential, and it's worth checking if it fits into your web creation toolkit, albeit with some patience and understanding the limitations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pricing Tiers: Start from $49, but tier one has constraints. Licensing tier two or higher, like tier $799 for unlimited features, is recommended.
  • AI Features: Quickly create sites; however, AI customization may currently feel a bit limited for some users.
  • Site Generation Time: Around seven minutes to generate a website, which is longer than other tools.
  • AI Marketing Tool: Generates quick ad copy; handy but could use stronger graphic capabilities.
  • Content Creation: AI can produce long articles fast but expect to edit for quality.
  • Room for Improvement: Speed and user interface integration could enhance the tool.
  • Overall Insight: Promising for agencies, but consider its current limitations and whether it aligns with your goals.

For the curious, definitely explore the video and see how Stunning might be the right fit for your web-building ventures!


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing these straightforward and low-cost strategies with Stunning, the no-code website builder:

  1. Explore AI Capabilities: Start by leveraging Stunning's AI website building feature. Input your business name, basic details, color, and font preferences, then let the AI generate a website template. This is a quick way to get started without deep customization or coding skills.

  2. Content Creation: Use AI-generated articles as a baseline for your content needs. Generate these articles to save time, and then refine them to suit your business voice. It's a fast method to get substantial content in place, though personalized edits will be necessary for quality.

  3. Marketing Copy: Utilize the AI marketing tool for ad copy generation. It's a practical feature for creating quick and engaging marketing text, even if it might need some visual tweaking later. This task is time-efficient and supports your marketing strategy.

  1. Invest Wisely: For maximum value, consider starting with the second pricing tier. It includes more functionalities and allows you to expand your website capabilities, handling more clients or content without hitting limitations quickly.

  2. Test and Adapt: Take advantage of the 60-day money-back guarantee to test Stunning comprehensively. See how it fits your needs, especially regarding integration with other tools, and decide if it's a worthwhile investment for long-term use.

  3. Seek Feedback and Iterate: After your initial website launch, gather user feedback to understand areas for improvement. This will help in making informed adjustments and enhancements over time.

These steps offer a balanced approach to getting the most out of Stunning with minimal cost and effort, while preparing your business for scalable growth.

Quotes by Learnwire

"AI powered website creation and responsive cust support"

– Learnwire

"Get in at as low as $49 but after that 6 days this is going to jump up"

– Learnwire

"You definitely want to make sure you're at least on licensed tier two"

– Learnwire

"I'd give it a solid 3.7 worth looking into if you can see the value"

– Learnwire

"There was times where it was pretty slow"

– Learnwire

Full Transcript

welcome back to the channel let's take a look at stunning today so you can create high quality websites for clients with this no code AI powered page builder now stunning has already been on the platform before they're coming back and you can see that the price will increase in basically six days from the time you see this video you can get uh get in at as low as $49 but after that 6 days this is going to jump up usually it jumps up at least $10 so just expect that this is also we've done a lot of these type of reviews there's been a lot of website AI Builders this last year we'll take a look at what stunning has to offer currently it looks like it's around about a 3 point I don't know say two or so let's go and look real quick it's at a 3.3 right now it is getting some five stars and so forth we can go and look at what people are saying um you know stunning has praised for its AI powered website creation and responsive cust support user users have highlighted the need for more premium widgets and greater customization options uh so this is one of those things where you definitely want to kind of keep in mind that you get that 60-day money back guaranteed so if you are in the lookout for a an AI based website design uh tool this might be in your wheelhouse at least to look at and consider uh looks like it is uh has been around a couple years actually about three years 1 to 10 employees still in the startup phase and it's bootstrapped they are verified by Persona license tier one uh is $49 and basically I'm going to really focus in on a couple things that are the biggest deal if you want to White Label this and turn this into a real business then you definitely would need license tier three but uh sorry license tier four but I would say that the fact that you can only create 50 websites um now if you were retaining clients and putting them on a monthly retainer and uh managing their websites for them then 50 clients would be plenty to have and you'd be making some really good money in your business but if you're just selling websites one off 50 websites wouldn't you know you eventually would would sell out of those pretty quickly but it also would give you enough time to really experiment with the tool and see if it's right for you so licens tier one $49 only two websites but the thing I don't like about license tier one right off the bat is that um pages per website you can only create five pages and then you also only get 50 contacts so this is what I call a scratch um uh a scratch license tier one you just don't want to buy this tool at license tier one I'm just straight up telling you because cont contacts I mean once if you started ranking and started getting email contacts you would quickly uh you know fly through those 50 contacts so you definitely want to make sure you're at least on licensed your to even for your own website case um right there then you also can have other collaborators come in and so forth so highly highly recommend not almost not even looking at this tool unless you're going to pick up licens tier two at $159 you have licens tier 3 at $299 you have licensed tier 4 at $3.99 and then it looks like it does actually go up two licens tier 5 at$ 529 and license tier 6 at $799 so they do have an unlimited unlimited all in with the tool if this is the tool you end up um really loving and uh thinking that you can build an entire business and agency around then you can actually come in here and support them at 799 bucks you get unlimited websites unlimited contacts unlim mited collaborators unlimited pages per website unlimited everything you even get white labeling so this one is something that you might want to consider if again you are confident in your ability to get clients and build websites for people um at $799 you can go all in with the tool so this is what the dashboard looks like we're going to go ahead and just try to go as fast as we can we've seen these before and I want to just see if we can get into uh what you do with this tool they do have some other tools in here let's just go ahead and cover those real quick uh which is under marketing you can go under AI marketing right over here and you can actually say uh you know so Plumbing in Denver 10% discount uh you could go and select what website you're creating this for you can generate and we'll just push the generate button and just see what it can do for us real quick looks like you can't use this until you actually have a website that you're writing for so let's go ahead and just jump into the uh all websites right over here uh very clean UI um not a whole lot going on we're going to just click on the button create website because that's really all you can do let's go over here and let's just build what you most likely would be using this for so let's go with we're going to go with um Steve's Auto Repair Dallas Texas right copy and then business description let's just go into Claud and say give me a we're going to let Claude do the dirty work for us here and this actually even got into a uh very detailed so we'll go copy we'll come back into the tool we'll paste that in right there website requirements so spe specify any special requirements for your website such as color preferences special pages to include Dark theme Google fonts um okay so let's just go with just putting in some colors in here okay so we put in some stuff use popins as main font uh black white blue yellow uh and then English and then generate website so literally We're Off to the Races within just a couple seconds right there um and it's going to go ahead and generate our website for us you can see on the right hand side of the screen over here it's doing something the global auto repair Market was valued at approximately 700 million billion sorry in 2020 did you know in the United States there were over 160 automotives so I don't know if this is just for fun while you're waiting uh reading some uh facts about your industry uh I really don't know but um interesting so you have your to total time elapse on the screen still creating for us we'll be right back in a sec that's one thing that I should have specified maybe if we wanted a Blog maybe um add in a blog uh page um and maybe I should have specified I want 10 pages on this website something like that but we are on I believe licens deer one so we wouldn't be able to create more than five pages anyways so we just hit the two-minute Mark the website is still not generated I will say um if I recall uh in past AI content uh you know website Builders this is probably the highest amount or the longest amount of time elapsed for a website to be created usually it's just Lightning Fast within 30 to 60 seconds but I'm hoping that that's actually like a good thing right a good sign that it's really doing a deep dive into the niche the market and really creating a really highquality website for us I'm okay with waiting 5 10 minutes for a website to be created if it's going to have um good high quality content and value and so forth so we'll be back in just a minute okay so we're back uh the time elapsed was like seven minutes um so I went ahead and um had a suspicion that the website was probably already created and we needed to just refresh the page so I actually just clicked off and went over to another page and then I clicked back and you can see that it was created so we don't know actually how long it took to create the website it probably took only a few minutes um but certainly it did not update on its own we did have to basically refresh the page in order to get our new website let's see what our three little dots do right over here you can edit duplicate assign um so assign an editor or something like that if you want to we can just click on this or click edit uh to to go and take a look at our website so it's opening up for us right now platform. stunning. Soo I will say that I'm the the speed at um um loading the pages and stuff I'm not uh you know that impressed with if if you will but let's take a look at what we were able to get so we do have this like logo over here if we clicked on that we would actually be able to go and upload our own image uh right there looks like we can change the um the URL this shouldn't be the cookie policy page um but you can certain come through here and take uh change some different things about the site we can go into the SEO uh okay so this is just the the the overall site headings you're always going to have the policy page right there you have your SEO for this page you can go put your description in we have our title right here our made tag uh images right over here our favicon right there so really easy to add this stuff um our Google analytics code Facebook pixel um and we do have custom code for our header and body right there and then domain if you want to hook up your um your actual domain you'll be using that right there so that's your basic site settings pretty cool let's take a look at some more stuff so welcome to Steve's Auto Repair Dallas Texas obviously this is not an image that we would want to use I am left clicking on the image and I'm not able to do anything but once we go into the middle was that something that showed up no so I'm not really seeing how I can change this out let's see explore our services does that take us to a contact page or a Services page I'm not seeing that so let's go click on pages right over here uh we have our home about air conditioning service blog so it did create a blog page for us break Services contact um so this is supposed to be uh taking us to our services page as you can see when I hover over it um but I'm not it's I guess until we actually publish the site it's not letting us go over there let's go and see what the services page looks like and now we click on that it is going to load the next page for us again a little uh slow on the on the upload there our comprehensive Services obviously we're going to need to change out a lot of these um images right over here um but overall I mean it's it's it's it's building a f a website very fast for us let's go take a look at what the blog looks like over here and these are not clickable so I'm not really sure why these are not clickable let's go ahead and just publish our site and I'm going to publish um and it'll just be hosted so website is now published let's go push a refresh button over here this site should be actually published and then I want to come back down here and see if these uh now work so I'm clicking on Services I'm clicking on contact page so that button is not working so these are not clickable they're they're they're not actually taking us over to where we need to go so that's kind of weird um I guess you do have to push the edit button over here to get into the editor that's just looking at the page but we still should those pages still should be opening up for us so our comprehensive Services if you wanted to change this you could regenerate the text by clicking regenerate it's going to regenerate our um extensive range of services uh we can fix grammar we can add emojis right there to the text it's going to add emojis um pretty simple can trash that right there we can click on the image and this is where you'll go and upload uh an image uh let's just go upload one of my thumbnails from cosmic why not you can upload a video as well you can do a search it looks like they do have unsplash and pixels um they have all those available for stock footage but again maybe maybe a nice AI image Creator right there would be pretty cool as well um but there's how you do that it would be nice to maybe uh adjust how many thumbnails and sections that we want to actually show in this section right over here so maybe that's where the design comes in we do have a regenerate the section we have a duplicate the section and we have an edit the style this is where you can go you could go and change the colors if you wanted to there's a color we can go with the black background color right there our width right here so this is where you can go and change the width and let's just uh put that way down um and then a gap and then a Content area but I'm I'm not seeing where we can actually change the amount of uh how many of these um you know section thumbnails that we could actually do um or add in there let's go see what it's like to add a section real quick so you could add a uh they have different headers over here um they have the different hero sections over here so however you want the header to look like somewhat limited I mean this is not going to be your Elementor type of tool but for getting sites um off the ground and running uh let's take a look at this one I really like this one this could actually work for if you're selling a digital product or a course this might be the better one to go with and so we added that new section right over here and this is what it would look like there's that giant image and so forth okay I do want to just try again I don't know why these okay so that um we're in the editor we can change where the link uh is going to go to the internal page external page select what page we want to go to and we can update any of the links on the page let's go through um so we have our changes we have our preview um here is the settings right over here Banner text U all that kind of stuff we've looked at that already we have our theme could actually change the color of our theme change the font we did get the Poppins uh in there we can change the roundness right over here of the buttons image cards so I mean if you're really trying to get a site up and running it's uh pretty pretty uh fast and uh somewhat robust as far as just some of the uh things that you'd be able to change I don't know why we have 13 pages when we were limited to five pages per site on tier one um generate new page this is how you would generate your new page as well so let's go back over here to the home section um or preview I guess we'll just click on preview see what the site looks like real quick and then I want to go to the home again clicking on these nothing's really happening I'm not sure if we need to actually assign these buttons so I'm going to push edit now and then I guess we need to assign every single one of these so select page you do need to go and looks like adjust this so we're going to need to go and assign this to home update the link so you are going to need to go and um do this part right here we do have the text but we do need to come in here and actually go and grab each one of these so Services right there and then upate update the link but so this one actually says link text Services select page Services we can't update this because we actually um it's it's already been assigned okay so then when we come over here and we publish and then preview under the preview section Services theoretically should work and it's not taking us to the services page so there is seems to be a disconnect unless I'm you're doing something wrong with the tool seems to be a disconnect between clicking on these assigning them and actually opening up unique pages on the site so that's what your site would look like if we wanted to use the AI marketing tool over here we'd come over here and we would just say you know discount on discount on auto repair you would select your website and then we would say generate uh that's kind of impressive it does find an image for us again AI images or even connecting our own apis from popular tools would be really really cool um but certainly it does create for you um some text you can shorten expand more casual more formal regenerate copy text you can save this and then you have your content over here so um this is pretty cool I think this is a great feature that they added in here especially if you're managing multiple clients and you want to actually use this to maybe add that in as a service but let's be honest most likely you're if you're going to add if people are going to pay you 100 $300 $500 a month uh also to help manage your social media accounts and your website and everything you you're probably going to be using some some a little bit uh better tools um especially for the graphics and stuff uh in my opinion but it is nice that this is here it could get you started um so you have your AI blogs what is this would you like to write about so then we would just say give me a Blog topic for this website all right so let's go grab this topic right here go back into the tool and paste that in and push generate for Steve's Auto Repair in Dallas Texas it's going to research the topic it's crafting engaging headlines it's writing a compelling content for us it's finalizing our article so you can see how fast it's writing this is it's faster than like a koala would write or something so it definitely can't be using anything too sophisticated when it comes to the AI content generation World um how many uh words that it actually write for us let's copy that we'll go into word counter we'll paste that in and it was actually able to write 1,100 words I actually am impressed with that and surprised let's look at it in the complex world of Automotive Care so obviously starting off within the complex world of Automotive Care we know this was written by AI so you would want to go in here and make some changes can we yep you this is a full-blown editor we can make changes in here it does automatically um bold uh and do some styling for us um it gives some tips right over here so I think that this would be pretty good I'm actually pretty impressed with this other than the fact that you would just need to spend five minutes coming in here editing trying to get a little bit of the AI stuff out but you do have a pretty good article right here you could also use AI Paces into CLA and say hey get rid of these words that words all that stuff but um I am actually impressed that the you know this has be lower quality AI but it is doing a good job with the layout and then what this is doing that's different than chat gbt and Claude is it it actually wrote a,w article for us which is actually impressive considering if we um told Claude to write this article for us it would write about a 600w article so um it does put an image in there again I'd love to see some type of AI image and um you know maybe that's going to be something in the future for them and you can get on a paid plan with them um but I could see if they could bring a little bit more AI capabilities in here this would actually be pretty dang cool so let's go ahead and just save the changes on this um so when you go into the article section you're going to have articles right over here um now if we want to publish this now it's going to actually go and publish this on our site let's go ahead and do that see what this actually looks like on the site here in a minute uh we have our aiso let's go click on that real quick that's coming soon um they're going to be bringing in another feature okay so let's just go back out of that um agency Builder Pro that's going to probably not be in the works right now either and then our CRM so this is where your CRM is is um where your uh contacts are going to be so I want to see where and then you can assign your users and roles and all that kind of stuff knowledge base road map let's go click on the road map see what's going on right there so here's their road map here's what they've shipped calendly component um so they got some other stuff in development schema for SEO scripts adding mobile view planned we got all this stuff right over here Dark theme components right over there so they do have a road map which is great see what the knowledge base looks like so they do have a knowledge base and it looks like it's probably going to be articles uh with screenshots and tips but at least they did come to the launch with a knowledge base which is good they do have a community as well so the CRM is what I really wanted to see like how do we use this your subscribers that collect on the website will show up here I don't think we're going to have any automation uh for this so let's just go and click on that and you could export so let's go and um take a look and see if we can see what the blog looked like and then also uh let's go right here and let's just say um I would love to go and just preview this maybe click right there so here's our site your trusted auto repair shop this is um where this is going to be so contact us today again I'm clicking on this and nothing's happening there's the cookie policy contact us today you can see that there's something going on right here with status but it's not taking us to the contact as page that is loading very slow guys got to be completely honest to you I'd love to sell this and this software to you and get you all excited but I mean that is just taking forever to load the page um I'm hoping that that's you know just because they just launched I I don't know but that's way too long to if someone's interested in giving you their email address and contacting you uh to pay give you money you don't want it to take 15 seconds 20 seconds to load a contact us page so that's something that we just need to pay attention to okay um I'm not seeing the email like where is the email in here to um add that to our you know to our site so we'll come back over here to the homepage we do need to go back out of this and edit so I'm going to click on the three dots over here and actually push edit and let's see if that's one of the issues that we're facing right over here so let's go over to the pages right over here and let's go over to the contact and push the edit button uh warning changes this URL I don't want to edit that I just want to go to that page I just want to go to the the the contact page they keep trying to get us to review the software please leave us alone um I'm going to click on this again and see okay so it did pull that up select from page um so you could put an external link right there but really what we want to do is um you know um contact us via email for a a quote let's just put that in right there and then I'm trying to see you know where where do we add the email form this is this part's not really working out too well I'm going to add a section here's uh Integrations calendly you can put all that in here premium over here they have some other um stuff forms I think it's going to have to be um called to action there's a contact right there but I'm not seeing the em part right so that might just be under Integrations maybe under forms all right so here's a contact a basic contact form I'm going to go ahead and just add that so here's the form right over here um and let's just go ahead and leave that save changes we'll see what this looks like we'll publish and I'm not seeing where we actually push the publish it is live there's an unpublished button in a purchase your domain but there's no like publish publish you know like to update so apparently when you make changes it seems like it's maybe it's automatic so let's go and see the preview of this now so we're actually on the live site let's go look at the URL so it's um it says editor right here so it still says we're in the preview okay um okay so we back down and now we're on the actual um stuning doso page let's go to the contact us page let it load up see how long it takes to load up that page uh wasn't as bad this time still need to be faster and we'll come down here to the form so we'll put you know David we just put my name in need help and then submit form it's submitting so form submitted thank you for answering our form so let's go back now let's go back to stunning and let's go back into the CRM account and then let's see we should be able to have at least someone in here and that form did not take so this part right over here I'm sure I did something wrong but it shouldn't be this hard to connect our CRM we filled out a form um you know where's that form going I guess we need to go back in real quick so this part right here shouldn't be like this hard um we're going to go back into the form and see if there was somewhere where we need to actually tell it what to do so you have to come in here to the form and you do get that submission right here and you can hit the export to CSV when you come into here but I'm not seeing that this is integrated in any way to coming back to our regular CRM and I'm not seeing the quick tutorial on how to do that so that's something that they need to fix as well all right so overall this was stunning you can get in at 49 bucks while I don't recommend tier one I recommend at least tier two starting at $159 if this is the tool for you and you have confidence that this is a tool that's going to be around a long time and continue to update their tool then you could consider going in all in uh because you would get unlimited websites pretty cool I think that they need to add in more AI capabilities with IM image generation and so forth the text could be a little bit better at least the ability because we're really using this as an AI overall efficiency to build a website I I I think that agencies that are using this tool um especially if they go to the unlimited plan they probably already have API keys and they probably got open Ai and they they don't mind using uh their own API Keys bring your own key to tools like this I think that they need to bring that in to this tool so people would be even more happy to create even better websites using AI even using their own key um I think that there's some promising things about this tool I think that it um there was times where it was pretty slow and some of the U things that you would think were were self-explanatory and easy um those also didn't flow that well um I would say you know it's not the best AI website um creation tool even on appsumo that I've uh used before but it definitely has a lot to offer um so if I had to grade this I'd probably give this about like a 3.7 it's not there it's not at the fourstar level yet um but certainly I think it's a little bit better than the 3.2 that um that is currently at right now I'd give it a solid 3.7 worth looking into if you can see the value of this and picking up there'll be a link below thanks for checking out my review and I'll see you in the next video

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