Ranklytics Appsumo Last Call – All-in-One SEO and AI Writing Tool

Ranklytics Appsumo Last Call All in One SEO and AI Writing Tool


So, guys, today we're diving into a video crafted by David from Learn Wire, where he goes in-depth on the software tool Rank Litic. This one's relevant to you if you're all about SEO and AI writing tools, which we love chatting about on our channel. As we know, these tools can be powerful allies in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

In this video, David gives us a thorough look at Rank Litic, highlighting its features and some limitations. The tool is an all-in-one SEO and AI writing platform, but he finds that while it offers a lot, some aspects may not fully satisfy power users, especially when it comes to keyword research and article generation. For example, he points out that the basic plan at $69 only allows you to write three articles per month and is limited to one website project, which for some could be a constraint. However, the higher tiers do open up more possibilities, with the $159 tier allowing up to 10 projects and generating 50 articles per month.

David critiques how Rank Litic's keyword tracking only allows a certain number of tracked keywords, which may not be sufficient for those managing multiple websites. He also notes some navigation quirks in the UI, where he finds the flow to be less intuitive. When it comes to AI writing, while the generated content can reach impressive lengths, he feels it's lacking in quality without customized prompts unless you're on a higher-tier plan.

It's always refreshing to get a viewpoint from another experienced creator like David, so check out his video for more details about how these tools stack up. I think for those of you interested in a comprehensive tool and are okay with monitoring its development, Rank Litic could be worth exploring. Here's what stood out:

  • Rank Litic is an all-in-one SEO and AI writing tool with mixed user ratings.
  • Plans start at $69, limiting you to three articles and one project; the $159 tier offers more.
  • Key features: Keyword research, article writing, content audits, and keyword tracking.
  • Navigation issues**: UI could use more intuitive design to streamline workflow.
  • Keyword research tool: Good for long-tail keywords but lacks robust filtering and export features.
  • Article quality: Can be lengthy, but without additional paid features, lacks in-depth prompt customization.
  • Comparative tools: David mentions Koala for comparison, giving a perspective on AI writing quality.
  • Advancement potential: With updates, it may become a stronger contender for those reluctant to pay monthly fees.

For those of you managing content or interested in SEO tools, keeping an eye on versatile tools like Rank Litic is essential. As always, it's about finding the right fit for your needs and budget, and this video gives a solid perspective on where Rank Litic stands today in the bustling space of SEO software.


How To Take Action

I would suggest first taking stock of what you truly need from your SEO and AI writing tools. If you're just starting out, the most budget-friendly option might be sufficient to begin with, even though it's limited. A good way to use Rank Litic is to start with its keyword research tool. Focus on long-tail keywords that are less competitive and try to write content based on them. While its keyword tool isn’t perfect with filtering, it still helps find useful keywords. Note down keywords manually if you need to.

If you decide to write AI-generated content, please be aware the output might need some editing for quality and adding customized prompts, which means you might have to do some manual tweaks to the articles. Next, make sure you're okay with the basic plan's constraints, like the limited number of articles it lets you create without upgrading.

For navigation, I suggest familiarizing yourself with Rank Litic’s dashboard to quickly reach the tools you’ll use most, like content audits and keyword research. Remember, the tool has some good features for checking how your site's doing, like its SEO audits, which can show you what needs fixing to improve site ranking.

Overall, don’t rely solely on one tool. Explore and consider using complementary tools like Koala to handle shortcomings. Stay informed on updates Rank Litic releases; they might improve the tool. Keeping all these in mind can help you maximize the benefits without overspending.

Quotes by Learnwire

"I don't do a whole lot with some of these other ones."

– Learnwire

"AI is not 100% accurate."

– Learnwire

– Learnwire

"I'm a YouTuber and the time that it takes I would need to hire a team."

– Learnwire

"Even six months ago, I could use one of these AI writers on my website."

– Learnwire

Full Transcript

love to space these videos out right but when there's an event like this where there's only a few days with the these are available I know you guys want some updated content and updated reviews so I'm picking the softwares that I know and the softwares that stand out to me anyways so I do have a a niche right it's SEO it's AI writing tools it's social media automation tools and so forth I don't do a whole lot with some of these other ones create an online TV Channel live stream like stuff like that even though five stars 209 it's not really my audience it's not really what we do on this channel and so that's why some of these just stand out Above the Rest like your butut AI website Builders we do a lot of stuff like that right your rank litics over here and then jog right those ones kind of stand out out of um all the available ones to go over so I want to make at least a video on butternut and rink ltic jog is great I don't think I need to make another video on it it go go check out my review on that that one just released like a month or two ago so there's not going to be a whole lot of videos I don't want you to have to sit sit for 4 to5 minute video but I know it's been a while since I've done rank litic let's just go take a look and see what's going on in my account with rank ltic on this video so rank litics 76 reviews looking like it's getting about a 4.4 4.5 star rating and we can see over here on the videos I am ranked right over there with the videos as well I want to look at reviews and come down here their AI is not I don't think it's 100% accurate so this says 4.4 let's see what it actually says when we go to see all reviews and then we come down here it is 4.4 right there so holding off really really strong reviews from sumoing just take a look at the plans and features so tier one is $69 that's the tier that I'm on you're only going to be able to write three articles per month so they're kind of coining themselves and positioning themselves as an extremely high quality AI Rider and so if you want more articles you're going to have to go way higher up in tier so they are definitely positioning themselves they're not positioning themselves um as a lowcost AI Rider of course they do a lot of other things the SEO features and tools we're going to look at a lot of that as well they're kind of an all-in-one tool for sure they're definitely an all-in-one tool so let's just go jump in you can get it for 69 bucks like I said what you'll be seeing is my tier one I want to add another website but I can't do that because website projects you can only add one so I would say if this is the tool of choice that you're going to go with just for the fact of the amount of articles that you would be able to write license tier 2 at 159 is probably what I would recommend as a minimum and then you get the audio auto scheduling and so forth I would say probably the best way to go this really is kind of one of those license tier 3 options because you're going to be able to get the 50 articles per month and it's like I said even even with the website projects up to 10 right there article articles per month so you're only going to be able to write five per website per month right so this is just not going to be one of those Auto blogging scaling type things and if you wanted it to max out and have a lot of articles for one website then you would you would only be one using one website and you'd be using all of your articles if that makes sense right so it's definitely this I guess one of my small little complaints is the pricing is expensive for the amount of websites and articles that you get so it better be a pretty damn good AI writer right let's go jump in and take a look at what we're looking at so here's the uh projects when you get into the software again I can't go click on this because it's going to tell me that I need to upgrade you can see right over here it's going to tell me I'm not on the right plan I can only add one I'm going to go to dashboard right over here and we can see what this looks like right here and you can research keyword you can generate content ideas write articles with AI run in a Content audit find stats and quotes So they got all this stuff find content Gap we can come and scroll down here you get some nice fancy charts over here organic traffic right here referring domains for backlinks average load time so looking like my load time is is pretty bad I'd have to go and test that out so we can come through here and start looking at traffic Trend we can look at our related keywords is going up a little bit and this is just I'm sure you guys it's almost laughable what I'm doing with my website I really don't care I'm a YouTuber and the time that it takes takes I would need to hire a team in order to really get my content onto my website the right way to get it fast to get backlinks to my website and everything and I just don't think personally that people are reading reviews on softwares they're watching videos right and so I'm all in on YouTube that's why I have this Channel and I just take the YouTube route for traffic and um sales and all that kind of stuff I I just don't pay attention to my website I pay attention to some other websites I'm working on Pinterest sites and I'm getting way more traffic to my Pinterest sites than I am even a learn wire site that's been around for 4 years right so again it's just not and then also on top of that I believe that the software LTD industry has just become extremely competitive everybody has created a website and thrown every software that comes Under the Sun and throws it on their website without even actually reviewing the software and so the my separator my differentiator is not a website it's actually YouTube videos no one can create these videos just like I can right so that's why if you go and you look at my website and everything and you're like oh wow David's way behind the eightball on his website absolutely I'm fully aware of that I am kind of purposely not paying attention to my website I just use it for testing and so forth but what we will do is and then what I'll just add one more thing kind of going off on our rant here but I'm sure a lot of you guys are enjoy the the the topic even I would say even six months ago I could use one of these AI writers on my website and actually write an article that was real that was good and it would actually rank within like a week it would rank in the top 10 my articles are not even ranking uh very unique content articles that I'm writing based on my factual analysis and data from my YouTube videos and so forth none of the so none of the content is actually ranking and I just went and checked on like three or four articles even they were written over a month ago and they're not even ranking in the top 50 so they're just not ranking right and I don't know what the factor is do we need a crapload of back blings thrown at this at this point at this point I just don't care I'm not going to try to satisfy Google in any way shape or form and so that is my ultimate kind of feeling with the thing I'm not going to go and invest my money into my website so Google can go and and and do whatever they want with it right overnight so again that's why I just don't really care about the website stuff so for you for those of you that are like oh do I need this for my website or like I I might have just sold you on not needing an SEO tool at all but again if your site is ranking like crazy you have a lot of authority and everything then it's a completely different discussion right and so we're going to be looking over here you can add your competitors we have competitors over here you have top potential keywords right over here content pipeline right over here so the this is gives you an overall stat I'm not sure yeah you can't click on that or anything but I do like the dashboard it's a pretty nice dashboard but let's just go and say we want to go into keywords let's look at this from a keyword research standpoint and all the other things that this tool offers you can go in here and you can do keyword research right over here it is going to also do our rankings for us right so we can actually go and add keywords right over here let's go look at how many keywords we get for tracking so tracked keywords I get a 100 tracked keywords and at the max tier you'll get 500 so this is not more impressive than some of the other tools I believe it was like LaBrea and ranks Pro I believe some of those tools they're going to do way way better when it comes to a ranking rank tracker and sheer SEO is another one they just do way way more but this is enough to get you started and for most one to two websites but when you're when you're if you're managing 10 websites track keywords is is nothing right that's not going to be enough so that's kind of the way that I look at this this is what the rank tracker looks like organic rank current ranked monthly searches it also doesn't look like it I mean I guess it does do a what's gone up 91 spots and so it it technically has a an update on there but then these other ones are not updated I don't know when how often this is being updated as well so I don't really think that the keyword tracking it's just it's a nice feature and if you're going with an all-in-one tool cool but if you want to track your keywords every 24 hours or every 12 hours you're still I'm still going to recommend what is it uh Ser robot I'm not an affiliate with for them or anything but it's just a great tool you can get started for $5 a month and then like I said sheer SEO is checking it every every day and you get a ton of keywords and so forth so like I said it's decent for that but this is not like a stand alone or standout rank tracking software but we can go and look at like seed keyword so let's go push plus right here and let's just go with email marketing and let's just type in email marketing and let's just see I'm going to say add SE keyword so it's adding that and now we have email marketing right here and I'm going to go ahead and click on that that's not the key this is just adding it to the keyword tracker I believe so we go over here let's see is it right over here nope I don't know maybe if this is the keyword research tool or if this is just the keyword ranking find more keywords maybe we can go click on this real quick enter a see keyword I'm going to try again so that part was kind of weird find keywords right so let's go back over the dashboard let's go back over to keywords and so this seed keyword we added that but really in order to tap into the keyword research side of things we actually need to come over here to find more keywords and then it's going to take us over to this screen right here I want to go back over the dashboard one more time because a little bit of a navigation quirkiness in in in my opinion that needs kind of fixed if you go to the dashboard research keywords you're just going to click on Research keywords and it's going to take you right to where you need to go again there's too many clicks when you click on keywords and I'm always kind of analyzing the the the fewest clicks to get to where you need to go inside of a software right maybe I'm just a little bit more it comes to that but I think that it really needs to be very easy for a you user to understand what's going on with the software and so let's go over here and let's type in email marketing and we'll push search one other thing I'd like to do with just UI design is I would shrink this bar that's just way too long way the width of the bar is just way too long I would I would make it almost half of this because you're really not going to be searching for a long keyword like six phrase keyword you shouldn't really start with a seed keyword like that anyways so I would actually cut this in half and shrink it down right because I don't like to scroll all the way over here with my mouse and then have to push the search button I'm going to see if I push the enter key if it works and it doesn't seem like it works so you do that's just one of those navigation things that they could optimize and make it a little bit better I have to scroll my mouse all the way over here and then push search and just kind of annoying right so we're gonna come over here and we've got all these email now what I really like about this is that it's finding very longtail keywords and so I will give them credit on that super super good that it's finding one two three four five six 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 it's finding really long tail keyword phrases I like that I think one of my nitpicking things that I hit them on last time was they don't really have a filter over here and I just don't understand how you can be a full keyword research tool and I'm scrolling down look at there's a lot of key wordss in here so that's impressive I like that they're giving us a lot of keywords and it does stop at some point so I I believe I tested this last time it's giving us like 500 keywords even though this seems like a ton it's about 500 keywords I believe so in retrospect to all the other keyword tools or Uber suggest or all kinds of other tools even sheer SEO gives you 10,000 keywords for your search query so again it looks like a lot it they don't they don't list it down there these are things that this isn't my first rod I've reviewed probably over a 100 keyword research tools you you got to tell us how many keywords you found for us you've got to give us a couple filters up here in order to be a true keyword research tool one other final issue is that where's the download button right like I'm not seeing the export or download I'd love to download all these keywords so then I can take it in if you're not going to provide the great filters and stuff like that sorting and stuff they do have a Basics one right here that I just found so we want to S sort it by search volume it's going to go to the top so highest and then can we go to to lowest so we can't sort it by lowest we would need to go all the way down to the bottom keyword difficulty but we don't have these analyzed right so the way that I would use the tool is probably go with search volume and then just start firing off and analyzing these now some of these are already analyzed that's really cool so maybe come down here and start pushing the analyze button but then it takes us over to to a fullblown analysis page where we can go and analyze further keywords and topics on that topic so that not really sure that's the flow that I would go with because then now we're over here I've lost my search and now I have no keywords so I've got to go back and do this all over again and so that's what I'm talking about email marketing that's what I'm talking about with the flow of things is just not there we need to improve on this right over here right so if I go and accidentally push analyze it's going to kick me out of this screen and I don't like that so I don't have I don't have the the keyword difficulty right here I believe I have to go and fully analyze this but then it kicks me completely out of the page maybe I can rightclick and just open in a new tab but but maybe that's not really the workflow that I want want to do right all right so now it's analyzing email marketing tips for entrepreneurs so email marketing tips for entrepreneurs it's not giving us a keyword difficulty score and let's go email marketing tips for entrepreneurs so we did analyze it but it didn't update this right over here so what I want to do is go and try this one more time email marketing tips for wherever that whatever that was so this is just not the best way to use the tool again email marketing tips for entrepreneurs email marketing tips for entrepreneurs we still don't have the an analysis over here so I guess I'm just going to go and add and maybe keyword has been added to your project so we'll go and add these keywords that don't have any scores and I don't know how we're able to bring in those scores so then now I'm going to go back over to keywords we'll go back into our project but where's our project so we'll just go into all right here Magic Write a Blog move to to another seed so now we would need to move these over to our email marketing so that's the way we would be able to get it into this email marketing nope that that didn't work okay so it's right over here it's just a new one over here so these are all all in here into the email marketing but again we don't have and actually it just added these into our project which is just tracking the keywords for us okay so again the workflow on this I'm not really liking it from a keyword research standpoint it's missing a lot of data it's missing the Sorting features it it's M missing completely missing filters no filtering at all doesn't tell us how many keywords it has so from a keyword research standpoint I've kind of ripped this apart not really my favorite keyword research tool other than I do like some of the key the longtail keywords that it's bringing in for us but I haven't figured out how to actually go and analyze the keyword and bring in the actual keyword SEO difficulty score all right so then you have your audits over here we can go in um audit uh we looked at this one over here and let's go and fire this one away so it's going to tell us what our readability was what the content the word count was current rank 91 and largest content paint please wait while we build your report so it's building a fresh report every time we click on this I believe improve your SEO score to 75 your current SEO score is just a 46 right now it's going to compare us to the other top 10 meta tags so this is where you get some of this technical SEO type stuff and I think that this could be very useful compare competitors right over here this is where you can really look at like who's ranking and what how many external links they have word count and all that kind of stuff so pretty good I like the audit feature pretty pretty solid there analyze so we can go with reverse engineer we can go with ranked keywords we can go with onpage fixes Pages content Gap so let's just go with uh reverse engineer maybe we can reverse engineer a website so we're going to go with top email marketing platforms we're going to open up a new tab we're going to go just find a website that maybe haven't heard of maybe on page two or something like that for something very competitive in a competitive market email tool tester maybe that's a really cool one I haven't seen that one before so let's go click on that one and then I like to go and see how legit the site is they've got 150,000 perfect it's not Millions but it's also not 40,000 so they've growing definitely the site's making money so we can go and take a look at the site and I'm not sure if we want to do the that whole thing or we just want to go with the the basic URL there we'll come back in here a new analysis and we'll go and throw in keyword to rank four the URL you're trying to rank so this is your you're creating an analysis I'm going to go back so that's actually not what I was thinking that it was reverse analysis let's go ahead and just click on this and see what it actually had for us so this is where it's going to again bring in all your competitors and bring in the position bring in the keyword and the URL so this is where you're going to be able to go and further even look at it from a a big table format right over here internal links right over here you'll be able to see so you want to compare yourself and how many internal links you have versus everybody else and what you're missing and so forth right we can go in here and here's ranked keywords that it's automatically pulling we can go and manually track report and view page but these are keywords that I do get an email and the email is if it's constantly going out there and trying to find keywords that you're ranking for so that is something that I'll give him a huge Plus for I get like a daily email or every couple days and it tells me hey learn wire is rinking for we found 17 new keywords for your um website and so it is finding where we're ranking search volume and this is kind of like you would use this in a sense and here's here's our sort over here that's pretty cool but this is where you would go and and find out kind of like you would with the the Google search console tool we would find out any keywords that we are starting to rank for and if you actually don't have a full if you're not fully optimized for that but you're starting to get clicks and ranks for that then you might consider either building a new page to rank fully rank for that page or going and optimizing the page that it is ranking for and really try to optimize better for that keyword so here's all the keywords that your site is ranking for pretty cool right there and you have your onpage fixes right over here a lot of things that we can do to fix our website duplicate meta H1 this is where you got all that red writing right like you did you you're you're getting bad grades in the class and all the things that you can improve on your site and then you have your pages right over here let's go take a look at this so here's all the pages that it's picking up search traffic so it's going to tell you which one it's so funny I did this as a Pinterest test literally like that was just for fun and it ends up being the uh highest traffic article on my site which is super funny because that has has it's not what my site is about and yet it ranks like so that's this is the other part that just is so stupid about Google they chose to pick this article up right here and then that's what my site's about now when really my site is about software reviews right and I can't even rank basically I have a hard time ranking in the top 10 pages for full-blown in-depth reviews just another kind of gripe that I have with Google but here's all my pages right over here that is picked up and then we have our content Gap tool right over here so this is where you can come in here and it's telling us keywords that your competitors rank for but you you don't so it's going to go out there this is probably the most useful tool out of all the keyword or analyze sections over here because we can come over here and see like okay so my competitors are ranking for like these kind of keywords right over here and I'm not ranking for any of these at all so I might want to go and do something about that so it brought in my competitors I don't know how many competitors we can have but super cool okay so that's basically what you can do right there we're going to go into content broad calendar let's just go and write an article real quick enter a keyword so I guess we need to go go back over to keywords real quick and let's just say we're going to email marketing campaigns for small business and we're going to actually just pull it from here we're going to go like this we're going to Magic write a blog boom it's going to take us over to here and we're going to say next real quick and like I said the software is really blown up kind of as far as like the way it looks on the screen you're just really really kind of close I don't know it's hard to explain everything is just almost like you're zoomed in but you're but you're really not so I think I I I like things to kind of be a little bit smaller and you can see more things on the screen if you if you will but anyway so what keyword are you targeting for this article boom so pick a title to write so we have email marketing campaigns for small business 10 email marketing campaign strategies every business should try okay cool let's just go with that so you can choose model I'm going to go with Claude 3.5 cool I'm I like that you get to choose between the two models right there we have our semantic keywords right over here now do we need to actually choose these no those are just going to be chosen so sorry we couldn't find any relevant stats for this topic okay yeah because it's a very longtail keyword the writing style is going to be conversational and it's going to be informational additional prompt if you want a prompt right there you can actually put that in maybe we we come into Claude real quick and we come into one of my blog posts and we go into my AI word phrase ban list and if you want this list right over here all you have to do is sign up for my newsletter there will be link below sign up to the newsletter you automatically get an email and I will send this list to you or you can pause the screen and type this entire thing out if you would like to do that all right so we're going to go like that and I'm going to say I'm just going to put this in here I don't because I don't see any other like knowledge base that we can put in here and I just want to see if we're if we can do this oh no I have to upgrade I have to upgrade to level two in order to even use the additional prompt which I just think that that's kind of trash right you're already limiting and I'm going to go off on a tangent here you are limiting the heck out of what I can do even at tier one when it comes to I get to write three articles per month like are you are you kidding and you don't even have a filter on your on your keyword research tool okay you have a you have a sorting basic sorting but you don't have a filter and then you're not going to allow me to do an additional prompt unless I upgrade and pay you more money to me it's a little pathetic it should that this should be included I only get to write three articles per month right I don't get any auto posting I don't get anything they've really dumbed it down for licens TI one and these softwares are just making it to where license tier one is completely like a joke you can't even use the software even at license tier one so I just went off on a tangent but it's super frustrating when you can't even do something so simple like use a an additional prompt and this is what's going to separate and it's like I said limit it by the amount of Articles and you already did that but then you're also you're not telling us when we come back over here you're not telling us you have your auto scheduling no API access no white labeling no but are you putting in here that we can't use your little prompt thing additional prompt no right you should at least tell people that they also don't get that as well so anyways content you can create your outline is there anything else I want to do over here no so let's just go create the the outline I wanted to put my AI vandalist in there because that would have been super cool to see if it could just not write like that because look at this in the digital age you're only letting me write three articles but then it's saying in the digital age like it's immediately screams AI we need to fix that it is a short paragraph which is good it's decent is this the only art is this the article that it wrote for us or is it kidding generate an image so it can generate an image I'm not doing myself any favors right now with doing this uh review like you guys aren't going to go by the software after what you you see right here right this is not very much text right so copy and then word counter so you're only going to give me three articles per month and the article that you wrote is five 500 Words long this is I mean I'm this is extremely laughable there's no AI articles right over here so can you guys see the difference between this tool and why I promote koala so much if we put this into koala right here it would write a 2,000-word article with AI in here going off my learn wire brand all the different things and it would it would read like I just went out and did research and wrote the article from firsters authoritative perspective so I'm not even impressed right now with the content okay so right over here we have our right over here we have our outline and then we're going to go ahead and push next so we've got our outline now it's going to go out there and write the article for us let's see what it can come back with for us now I didn't get to I didn't see where we can choose first person and that's where that additional prompt right here make sure to write in firsters format you can't do that this is the writing style but in more more importantly to me is writing tone the tone of voice is important the perspective and that's where I like first- person tone so it's more personable people are going to engage and read the content more I think if it's coming from like it someone really wrote it so I really do think you need license tier two if you're going to make this work for you but I do like the content so far so we got 10 email marketing campaign strategies picture this you're a small business owner drowning in a sea of marketing noise desperately trying to connect with your audience enter email marketing your digital Lifeline that doesn't require a massive budget or a Silicon Valley marketing team in today's hyperconnected world email marketing campaigns for small businesses aren't just a nice to have they're a critical strategy for survival and growth let's be real most businesses blah blah blah so it says email has an ability many channels don't creating value valuable personable Touches at scale in this digital era where attention is the most valuable currency crafting targeted emails isn't just marketing blah blah blah segment so buckle up we're about to dive into email marketing strategies that don't just communicate they convert no fluff no corporate jargon just actionable insights that's kind of a long intro honestly we probably would would need to shape that up if we want to actually Rank and so forth you can see that it's still actually creating the article so it's taking a while but that's good that means it's actually doing some research and so forth for segment one your email list for personalized targeting so what is this 10 email marketing campaign strategies so segment your email list why segmentation matters they're using emojis increases email option rates up to 39% so we got some stats over here some facts consider segmenting your Audience by demographics Behavior engagement level industry and then another quote and then Pro tips right over here then CRA and then number two craft compelling subject lines that grab attention is it going to give us some examples proven subject line format right over here so overall this is pretty good content I would say that this is pretty dang good content going to keep going and it looks like it I mean but this is just way too big of an article right so 3600 words I probably should do a test actually post this on the site I'm going to post this on the site after the video and then I'll try to do a followup in the next three to four weeks if it actually ranks if I don't do a follow-up video then it means it didn't rank but I one thing that it doesn't have is images right and this is an one of those things that this is why I like koala writers so much this is why I like agility writers so much this is why I like SEO writing. so much because it creates images and people are not going to read a 30 almost 4,000 word article they're not going to read this article without images it just doesn't break up the text there's so much monotony it required to actually read this article it's it's going to hurt people's brain to read this article in its current form format it has to have images and so for it for rank litics to only give me three articles per month I'm expecting more I'm expecting also AI articles AI images so although this is impressive 3600 words it's it's Overkill and it's too much and it probably needs dumbed down right over here so we have our preview I'm not going to do the preview real quick another thing too is we have a 46% where are we going to it only it only added in one keyword from our semantic keywords but it's supposed to It's supposed to do this automatic for us and I'm not seeing like where's the button that it's supposed to do that for us I'm not seeing where the the the the button that it's supposed to do all that SEO stuff for us let's go to internal links it does have some automatic internal links in here that's impressive I like that I'm just going to push the save button real quick and then what do we do next is there a copy feature nope okay preview we can publish from here and this page isn't working okay so that didn't work so there's a bug right there as well okay so what would I do to get this onto my site I guess I just copy from here but again this One Missed The Mark with the SEO features right over here we did save I'm going to go ahead and go back and let's just go back over here and just talk about this for one last kind conclusion on this so this is rank litic it's got good good ratings people overall like it but for me it's missing the Mark it's not creating AI images missing filters and things like that for the keyword research tool I think that the most impressive part is actually the audit the the the audit and then finding gaps in with your competitors that tool is pretty cool overall this could be a pretty good tool for running one or two websites in my opinion if you need an all-in-one tool this might be a tool to go pick up I don't know what I gave the the rating last time we did didn't watch my video or anything like that I might have been raving about this I might have gave it 4 point something but really after a second look over here I'm a little bit less impressed I this just definitely could not replace my premium tools that I'm using like koala and so forth the the quality the the AI image generation the the the reliability in the text and everything it's it's just better with those other tools on my top AI writing content writers list again this one might be worth going on the long journey with them over the the years to come rink litic could end up being a a super Superior tool but in its current state it's not so you are going to have to invest in the tool and then wait and see what's going to end up happening over the next year or two they need they have a lot of things that they need to add and so forth in order to make this even compete with other tools that are out on the market that are monthly paid tools so this one will end up being I don't know I'll just say I'll give it a 3.8 store rating has some impressive features the content's pretty good but you are going to spend a lot of time going in there and adding images cleaning up the content because it wrote a 4,000-word article which is actually probably going to hurt you and so forth so but and then the keyword research I think it falls short in a lot of different ways but it's a good overall tool at the same time so I don't want to be too harsh on the tool so what do you guys think about my rating what do you guys think about what I just showed you do you have wrink litics are you going to go pick it up I will leave a link below because I I can recommend it it's not a terrible tool and and it did come back this is one of those tools where I was like I'm kind of hoping it comes back and they actually did come back for Plus members available for the next 3 days go pick up your copy of rink ltic if you need an all-in-one tool I know a lot of you don't want to pay monthly for tools and so this might be that tool that you're looking for thanks for joining me

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